Citizen church electoral roll

Citizen Church is a charity with a board of trustees; the Parochial Church Council (PCC). It is part of the Diocese of Llandaff, and is governed by the Constitution of the Church in Wales. The PCC is chaired by the Vicar, and it includes the clergy, the Churchwardens, the Treasurer and currently eight others, elected at the Annual Vestry Meeting.

The regular Church congregation, or Electoral Roll, get together for Vestry Meetings, usually just once a year. The main purpose of this meeting is to elect one of the Churchwardens and other PCC members, and to hear reports and accounts.

If you have been worshipping regularly at Citizen for more than 6 months, we would encourage you to join the Electoral Roll in order to be able to take part in this election. (You can still attend the meeting even if not on the Electoral Roll).